Modern Slavery Statement
10% For The Ocean (10%FTO) has a zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery. We strive to act ethically and with integrity in all of our activities and relationships to make sure modern slavery is not taking place anywhere in 10%FTO or in any of our supply chains. 10% will also make sure our approach is clear with our partner organisations.
We believe that a modern slavery statement is an important part of our approach to implementing our ethical policy. 10% have opt to adopt a statement which we will update and publish annually on our website, although we are not require to have such a statement under current regulations.
NCVO considers the risk of modern slavery to be related to our supply chain and therefore, our procurement policy and procedures are key to this. We will:
- review our procedures and create updated procurement documents
- roll out a risk assessment for current and new suppliers.
- Continuous improvement
The next steps in our work are
- following approval of our procurement policy, we will review our related policies and documents to make sure these demonstrate the robustness of our approach to removing the risk of modern slavery from our supply chain
- to update our staff on our new policies and procedures
- that we will roll out our procurement approach to all current suppliers
- that we will use our procurement approach to review all new suppliers
- to make sure modern slavery is addressed in all key relevant policies including recruitment, safeguarding and whistleblowing.